Folks, You may be wondering that I am talking about making your computer a bit more safer even though my very site was hacked on 1/14/2002. As it stands I have kept this site simple and I do not control the webhosting part. Anyway it is a good idea to keep your computer safe.Open Registry by going to START-RUN and entering REGEDIT and Navigate to

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager] and look for

ProtectionMode parameter. If its value is not 1 , set it to value of 1. On my computer default value is

1. Doing this will protect your list of known system dlls from being compromised. To see what is present in your known DLL list, navigate to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\KnownDLLs]

and look in the right pane. I have not yet tried this but You may even try adding some other DLLs that You feel important and should be protected. This could be risky as I have not yet tried this myself.

Microsoft has an old but informative article on it